Search results for ' 115TH DR'

Under Modi India's Slide In World Indexes

Under Modi India's Slide In World Indexes

Rediff.com9 Mar 2023

The rhetoric that we are fed daily needs to be measured against performance and the facts. That is not happening, points out Aakar Patel.

Why Did Naveenbabu Meet Mr Premji?

Why Did Naveenbabu Meet Mr Premji?

Rediff.com29 Sep 2022

The Day in Politics: Featuring Dr Singh, Messrs Kejriwal and Sisodia and Mamatadi.

'Never experienced a lockdown in 80 yrs'

'Never experienced a lockdown in 80 yrs'

Rediff.com3 Jun 2020

'I have worked every day of my life for the last 62 years and suddenly there is a cap on doctors over 55, who are not allowed to practice.' Dr Dolly Gurbaxani shares her lockdown experience.

Exclusive! What the head of US Congress' India caucus wants

Exclusive! What the head of US Congress' India caucus wants

Rediff.com27 Mar 2017

US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, newly elected co-chair of the influential Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, discusses her vision for US-India ties with's Monali Sarkar.

PIX: This US Congress swearing-in is historic for all desis

PIX: This US Congress swearing-in is historic for all desis

Rediff.com4 Jan 2017

Not only does the new US Congress have the first Indian-American US Senator, for the first time in history it also has four Indian Americans in the House of Representatives! Glimpses of the change of guard.